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lady Gaga Naked pool Pic

Lady Gaga has shocked her fans by posting an apparently naked snap of herself in a pool.
The photo shows the American popstar, 26, half submerged under water in the middle of a passionate embrace with boyfriend and Vampire Diaries beau Taylor Kinney.
It was uploaded to her official website LittleMonsters.com with the caption “T and Me”.
The picture has caused a storm and fans swamped the website for a sneak peek, before it crashed this morning.
Lady Gaga tweeted: “umm … I hate doing this to my coders but littlemonsters.com is majorly experiencing #ChatFail #CallInternetAmbulance.”
The Poker Face singer also chose to reveal the title of her upcoming album, ARTPOP, this week so the extra publicity will do no harm to record sales.
Outside of the pool, the kissing couple celebrated their first anniversary on Sunday with a dinner of oysters and caviar at Chicago restaurant Spiaggia.
The couple were joined by four friends for the seafood feast, according to a newspaper.
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