AyqsiP2opB3Il4fapF3hfypqzcI Trisha’s tongue slip disappoints fans - FilmTrendZ

Trisha’s tongue slip disappoints fans

Getting a chance to see any heroine who attends any event related to shop opening creates a big mess and makes it difficult for the security to control the fans. And if they get to know about their residence or their numbers there is no possibility to stop these fans from pestering them irrespective of understanding their situations.
Trisha who has turned into Mother Theresa for all the street dogs by adopting them and also encouraging people to take these dogs and find a home for them, also has been joining these animals into shelter home. Being the first person to take interest when it comes to anything related to animals Trisha seems to have given two numbers to give any information related to pets.
Many of her fans thought these numbers to be Trisha’s personal numbers and have been calling frequently with the hope that they will get a chance to speak to her. But the societies concerned with these numbers are having tough time handling people and went ahead to inform Trisha about the same who has given a statement recently that these are not her personal numbers.
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