AyqsiP2opB3Il4fapF3hfypqzcI This is a Shocking 'Sakuni' Movie - FilmTrendZ

This is a Shocking 'Sakuni' Movie

Like the extremely intelligent and devious old man Sakuni in Maha Bharatha, even the modern day ‘Sakuni’ releasing today is very well utilizing the empty playground at Telugu and Tamil BO. Nothing less than a Star Hero release, karthi is arriving today in nearly 1050 screens all over the world which is of course a shocking number for a six film old hero and a debuting director Shankar Dayal.
Sources say, producer Bellamkonda Suresh captaining the release in Telugu has made sure that a minimum of 450 screens will be the best possible number to rake good openings. Alone in Hyderabad, we can see 50+ screens reserved. This is shocking even the trade analysts. Let us see…how far and how great karthi will make the business of ‘Sakuni’ to register his name among the big commercial heroes.
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